Airport Transit Visa Consultants in Hyderabad, Airport Transit visa consultancy in Hyderabad for France, Airport Transit Visa Consulting services for France in Hyderabad

Airport Transit Visa

While airing through France, many foreign nationals especially those who are from non EU countries require Airport transit visas.

Airport transit visas allow its holders to transit through the international zone of airports in France. They do not have the access to roam in Schengen space.

Nationals from the below countries need an Airport transit visa.

Afghanistan, Gambia, Mali, Togo, Angola, Ghana, Mauritania, Bangladesh, Guinea, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Pakistan, Cameroon, Haiti, Palestine, Colombia, India, Peru, Congo (Rep. Dem.), Irak, Senegal, Congo (Rep. Pop.), Iran, Sierra Leone, Cuba, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Djibouti, Jordania, Sri Lanka, Erythrea, Liberia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Libya, and Syria.


Apply in person

- Provide the required documents along with a set of photocopies + fee (when needed).

Each applicant need a pre-paid special delivery envelope (Up to 500gr) comprises the applicant’s name and address, as all documents will be returned by post. Make a note of the tracking number of the envelope for your own reference.

Please follow the instructions carefully to avoid the risk of your application being refused.

All your documents should be latest and bank statements, less than 10 days old. All documents must be either in English or in French.

List of documents:

  • A passport valid for more than three months beyond the validity of the requested visa along with two blank pages
  • If your British residency mentions the name of your child, unmarried partner, fiancé (e), or spouse, the person’s valid passport is needed while applying for your Schengen visa.
  • If your passport was issued longer than 10 years, it is the time to apply for a new passport at your Embassy.
  • Application form filled and signed by the applicant or the legal guardian.
  • Recent colored passport-size photographs in color (3, 5 x 4,5cm) with good quality
  • A confirmed airline ticket to your finale destination. Photocopies are not accepted.
  • A pre-paid special delivery envelope with your name and address, as passports and documents will be only returned by post.

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